Set Up
© Amedeo Benestante
Alberto Tadiello (Montecchio Maggiore, Vicenza, 1983) graduated from IUAV University of Venice in 2007. His work has been featured in many solo and group shows in Italy and abroad, including: T2 – Torino Triennale. 50 lune di Saturno, Sandretto Re Rebaudengo Foundation, Turin, 2008; Science versus Fiction, Bétonsalon, Paris, 2009; Experimental Station, CA2M – Centro de Arte Dos de Mayo, Madrid, 2011; Terre vulnerabili, Hangar Bicocca, Milan, 2011; Sound Art. Sound as a Medium of Art, ZKM, Karlsruhe, 2012; HIGH GOSPEL, Museo di Villa Croce, Genova, 2012; Art or Sound, Ca’ Corner della Regina, Fondazione Prada, Venice, 2014; That’s IT!, MAMbo, Bologna, 2018.
In 2009 he won the 7th Premio Furla, and in 2011 received the New York Prize. He has taken part in various residency programs, organized by Dena Foundation for Contemporary Art (Paris), Gasworks International Residency Programme (London), Villa Arson (Nice), HIAP – Helsinki International Artist Programme (Helsinki), Viafarini (Milan), and ISCP – International Studio & Curatorial Program (New York).
Since 2019, he has been professor of Visual Arts Techniques and Technologies at the Academy of Fine Arts in Verona.