2nd edition


T.o.F, short for Time Of Flight. It indicates the measure of the time taken by an object, a particle or a wave — acoustic, electromagnetic or other — to travel a certain distance in a given medium.

The second edition of ALA Art Prize invites artists to measure time, understood in its intimate or collective dimension, in relation to space and / or to the body, in its various forms, as an ever-changing flow, as a circular sequence, or as a suspension in case of its absence.

1st prize
Alberto Tadiello

Clarissa Baldassarri
Giovanni Giaretta
Alberto Tadiello

Scientific Committee

Giovanni Carmine

Eugenio Viola

Alessia Volpe



Aluminum profiles, galvanized iron wire, LED strips, cables, electronic devices Environmental dimensions

luciferasi s. f. [der. di lucifer (ina), col suff. -asi]. – In biochemistry, the name of a group of enzymes that catalyze the oxidation of luciferin, allowing the production of light by living organisms.

This is the matrix and initial suggestion to which the entire project owes.

Luciferasi is the title of a pair of sculptures that were conceived and specially-designed for the central spaces of ALA Company. The great architectural void traced by the intersection of the flights of stairs lends itself to being the gathering point for views from different levels and heights.

The work revolves around two complex and tangled hanging figures, with threadlike anatomy, made up of aluminum profiles, galvanized steel rods and a thin wire mesh. Both structures are wrapped in a 20-meter piece of a single high-intensity LED strip, which defines them through loose and spiral-like moves.

Directly connected to electricity and controlled by a system created in collaboration with a coding laboratory and the support of ALA’s IT department, the sculptures emit a light in a constant state of calibration. Every minute, in fact, the system updates either increasing or decreasing in intensity according to the trend of the internet data flowing in the Company: the input and output traffic becomes a metaphor for an energy flow, a circulatory system, a buzzing activity, a ceaseless exchange. It is also vibrant proof of signal latency, a remnant, residue and internal resistance to the overflow of communication that marks our daily life.

The project’s core is the direct relationship with the company workers, who become the main architects and authors of this luminous pulsation. Without their active presence, these bodies are destined to fade in intensity and vibration.



Over the years, through consistent research, Alberto Tadiello has built his own stylistic code, placed at the intersection of nature and technology.

Luciferasi, the artwork presented for the second edition of ALA Art Prize, offers a suggestive vision of the processes of luminescence from the natural world, inviting us to consider the opportunity to salvage an experience, now lost, linked to the “sublime”, through a wise use of technology.

The project proposed by Tadiello for ALA’s corporate spaces also makes visible and tangible – in a dynamic and poetic way – both the work activity within the company and one of the key factors which modern times are made of : digital data. The artist’s project, therefore, becomes a portrait of the place and a comment on today’s world, too.

The virtual network, as the main scene of exchange and communication (the absolute dependence on it in both personal and professional functions, the immediate frustration for a potential malfunction or simple slowdown), becomes a physical network through a suggestion that Alberto Tadiello takes from the luminous phenomena of the living beings, animal and plants: nature and technology coexist, in a work which is tactile presence of a systemic human experience.

Alberto Tadiello (Montecchio Maggiore, Vicenza, 1983) graduated from IUAV University of Venice in 2007. His work has been featured in many solo and group shows in Italy and abroad, including: T2 – Torino Triennale. 50 lune di Saturno, Sandretto Re Rebaudengo Foundation, Turin, 2008; Science versus Fiction, Bétonsalon, Paris, 2009; Experimental Station, CA2M – Centro de Arte Dos de Mayo, Madrid, 2011; Terre vulnerabili, Hangar Bicocca, Milan, 2011; Sound Art. Sound as a Medium of Art, ZKM, Karlsruhe, 2012; HIGH GOSPEL, Museo di Villa Croce, Genova, 2012; Art or Sound, Ca’ Corner della Regina, Fondazione Prada, Venice, 2014; That’s IT!, MAMbo, Bologna, 2018. In 2009 he won the 7th Premio Furla, and in 2011 received the New York Prize. He has taken part in various residency programs, organized by Dena Foundation for Contemporary Art (Paris), Gasworks International Residency Programme (London), Villa Arson (Nice), HIAP – Helsinki International Artist Programme (Helsinki), Viafarini (Milan), and ISCP – International Studio & Curatorial Program (New York). Since 2019, he has been professor of Visual Arts Techniques and Technologies at the Academy of Fine Arts in Verona.