Ph. Amedeo Benestante
5th Edition
ALA Art Prize 2025 invites artists to explore current and urgent themes of our present freely through a cross-sectional and interdisciplinary approach typical of contemporary art practices.
The 1st Prize, open to artists regardless of age, is complemented by an Acquisition Prize dedicated to those under 35 years of age.
1st Prize
Acquisition Prize
Scientific Committee
Giovanni Carmine (Bellinzona, 1975) is director of the Kunst Halle Sankt Gallen since 2007. He has curated shows by David Lamelas, Ryan Gander, Mariana Castillo Deball, Hassan Khan, Petrit Halilaj, Sylvia Sleigh, Dani Gal, Lawrence Abu Hamdan, Jill Magid, Andrea Büttner and the group exhibition The Darknet, among others. In 2011 he was artistic coordinator of ILLUMInations, the 54th edition of the Biennale di Venezia and co-editor of the catalog and in 2013 he curated the Swiss Pavillion at the same biennial. He contributed to various magazines (Kunst-Bulletin, Frieze, Art-Review, Parkett), published in catalog and edited several publications like PSYOP Post 9/11 Leaflets and CEAU (both with Christoph Büchel). He was President of the Swiss Federal Art Commission (2017—2019) and is a member of the board of the Istituto Svizzero in Rome. He is a curator of Art Basel Unlimited and currently lives and works between Zurich and St.Gallen.
Eugenio Viola (Naples, 1975) is Artistic Director at MAMBO – Museo de Arte Moderno de Bogotá. From 2017 to 2019 he was Senior Curator at PICA – The Perth Institute of Contemporary Arts in Perth, Western Australia. From 2009 to 2016 he held various curatorial positions at MADRE Museum in Naples, where, since 2013, as Curator at Large, he has been involved in the development of the museum’s collection. Here he co-curated the first major institutional exhibitions in Italy of Boris Mikhailov and Francis Alÿs, a complex project conceived by Daniel Buren in two stages and the retrospectives dedicated to Vettor Pisani and Giulia Piscitelli. Viola collaborated as guest curator for numerous Italian and international institutions, curating, among others, anthologies dedicated to Regina José Galindo (Frankfurter Kunstverein, Frankfurt, 2016); Karol Radziszewski (CoCA – Center of Contemporary Art Znaki Czasu, Torun, 2014); Mark Raidpere (EKKM – The Contemporary Art Museum of Tallinn, 2013); Marina Abramović (PAC – Milan, 2012); Francesco Jodice (MSU – The Museum of Contemporary Art, Zagreb, 2011), ORLAN (MAMC – Musée d’art moderne et contemporain, Saint Etienne, 2007). In 2015 he curated the Estonian Pavilion at the 56th Venice Biennale and in 2022 was the curator of the Italian Pavilion at the 59th Venice Biennale. Eugenio Viola is the curator of the 24th Bienal de Arte Paiz in 2025, The World Tree [EI árbol del mundo], which will open the first week of November.
ALA Art Prize was started in 2021 with the aim of supporting, enhancing, and promoting contemporary artists. Through a free open call, artists are invited to create an original site-specific project for ALA’s premises, a not-white cube which will get them to interact with the work environment and its community, thus establishing a space for discussion between art, business and contemporary creativity. The awarded artwork will become part of the permanent art collection housed in the headquarters of the Company, within the Teatro Mediterraneo of Mostra d’Oltremare in Naples.
The aim of the Call is to choose an original artistic project with no technical constraints but compatible with ALA Headquarter premises, and in line with the Company’s values and mission.
The 2025 edition of ALA Art Prize has a free theme.
The Call is open from 12:00 p.m. on February 18th to 11:59 p.m. on May 8th 2025 (Italian time).
Suggestions on set-up will be accepted but not binding. The Scientific Committee and the Company reserve the right to identify, within ALA’s spaces, the most suitable destination for the winning artwork.
18 February 2025 | Call opening
8 May 2025 | Call closing
May 2025 — June 2025 | Selection
June 2025 | Shortlist announcement
July 2025 | 1st Prize announcement
December 2025 | Presentation of the artwork in ALA’s premises
The works and projects presented will be evaluated and selected at the sole discretion of a Scientific Committee composed as follows:
The projects will be evaluated considering the quality and originality criteria of the proposals, the degree of site-specificity and the degree of commonality with ALA’s values.
Each member of the Scientific Committee will indicate a shortlist of five artists. The shortlisted projects will be evaluated by an ALA Commission, made up of employees and contributors from the headquarters of Mostra D’Oltremare and Pozzuoli, whose judgment will be worth a total of half- point in the final selection by the Scientific Committee.
The winning project will be awarded a prize of € 10.000,00 including applicable legal charges and net of VAT as required by law, inclusive of the all costs, such as production and insured transport, related to the artwork, whose property will be transferred without reserve to ALA SpA by virtue of the acceptance of this regulation.
The winning artist will also receive a fee of € 2.000,00, including applicable legal charges and net of VAT in the legal measures.
In the case of collective artists, the sum is to be paid to the collective and not to individual members.
The acquisition prize is intended to promote and enhance the work of artists and collectives under 35 through the purchase of a completed artwork. The winner will be selected by ALA among the artists under the age of 35 taking part in the Open Call, and the acquired work, whose ownership will be transferred unreservedly to ALA S.p.A. by virtue of acceptance of this Regulation, will become part of the corporate collection. See Q&A no. 10 for further specifications.
ART. 9 | Q&A
A dedicated Q&A section is available below and forms an integral part of the Regulation.
Any further questions about the Open call must be submitted solely to the following email address: alaforart[at] (in Italian or English).
1. Operating or having operated on Italian territory.
2. The dates reported herein are to be intended indicative and not binding, they may be changed at the company’s discretion. By entering the Prize the winning artist accepts to cooperate with the organization within the indicated schedule.
1 | Is there a registration fee?
No. Participation in the Call is free of charge.
2 | Is there an age limit?
No. There is no maximum age limit.
3 | Is it mandatory to be an Italian citizen and / or resident in Italy
to apply?
No. Participation is also open to non-resident foreign artists who operate or have been operating in Italy (e.g. residency projects, study or research projects). It will be necessary to mention those experiences in the CV and give proof of meeting the requirements.
During the selection phase, the Committee reserves the right to request additional documentation. The mere participation in one or more solo or group exhibitions in Italy does not constitute an access requirement.
4 | Is it possible to participate by submitting two different project proposals, one as an individual artist and one as a member of a collective?
No. Each artist can apply either as an individual artist or as a member of a collective.
5 | In the “Documentation” section of the application form, is it possible to exceed the indicated number of 6 A4 pages for a better presentation of the project?
No. However, the Scientific Committee is entitled to request supplementary material during the selection phase, if deemed appropriate.
6 | What is the site-specificity criterion mentioned among the project evaluation parameters?
The degree of site-specificity refers to the compatibility of the artwork with ALA’s workspace and, more generally, with the Company’s vision.
At the end of the selection procedures, with the support of the Scientific Committee, the Company will identify the most suitable site for the winning artwork, preferably a shared space so that the whole ALA community can freely benefit from it. As described in the regulation, suggestions on set-up will be accepted but not binding. For this reason, the sharing of floor plans and further photos of the spaces is not provided for.
The photographs on ALA’s website and at the end of this Regulation are for reference only and offered as examples to provide an overview of the context to which the work will relate.
7 | What is the obligation to ensure suitability to the reference context?
The obligation implies that the proposed work must be designed and carried out considering the functional and architectural features of the spaces in which it will be placed. The work must therefore meet requirements of functionality, safety and durability. For example, the materials used must be safe and present no risks for those working in the environment. Stability characteristics must be guaranteed: as a rule, anchoring to the ground is not allowed; therefore, in case of sculptures and/or floor installations it is preferable for them to be freestanding.
8 | Is it possible to do a walk-through of the venue before presenting the project?
No. The Open Call regulation does not allow to make inspections of ALA Headquarters, so as to create equal conditions for all participants — even those unable to personally view the spaces inside the Mostra d’Oltremare — to produce the project proposal. The detailed visit to the premises will be carried out after determining the winning project.
9 | What is included in the €10.000,00 production prize?
The winning project is awarded a cash prize of € 10.000,00 including applicable legal charges and net of VAT, inclusive of all costs relating to the artwork. As an example but not limited to: production costs, costs for electronic devices (e.g. projectors, PCs) and user licenses and certifications, costs for insured fine art transport.
10 | What is the acquisition prize about?
The award involves the purchase of a work either created in an earlier time or in progress.
The prize will be awarded to an artist or collective under the age of 35 selected by ALA among the participants in the Open Call.
The selection will be based on the analysis of the candidates’ profiles, the portfolios provided upon application to the ALA Art Prize, and on additional documentation requested after the selection of the 1st ALA Art Prize winning project.
11 | Can artists shortlisted for 1st prize be selected for the acquisition prize?
Yes, provided they are under 35.
12 | Can I win both the 1st prize and acquisition prize at the same time?
No. The two awards are not cumulative.
13 | How can I be sure that my application has been sent correctly?
At the end of the registration procedure, a confirmation email will be sent from the address alaforart [@] If you do not receive any communication, please send an email with the subject “Application Confirmation AAP2025” to alaforart [@]
14 | How will the participants be informed about the results of the selections?
All participating artists will receive an email about the outcome of the selection procedures.
The announcement of the winner will be given through ALA S.p.A.’s website and the social media ALA For Art.
Application form
Follow the link